Monday 26 November 2012

PRET'S Christmas Opening Times!!

Monday             06.30 - 23.00
Tuesday              06.30 - 23.00
Wednesday         06.30 - 23.00
Thursday             06.30 - 23.00
Friday                 06.00 - 23.00
Saturday              06.00 - 00.00
Sunday                07.00 - 22.00

Christmas Eve       08.00 - 21.00
 Christrmas Day                Closed
Boxing Day           10.00 - 20.00

Be sure to get one of our Drinks for
 a festive Christmas!

Wednesday 21 November 2012


PRET have always taken part in charity events, raising awareness and helping those in need.
This Christmas we want YOUR help! 

Whenever you buy one of our Christmas specials we will be putting some of that money towards the Homeless, but we can only  make a different if we have your help!

We will be promoting this all around the UK so we can raise as much as possible, and to give them the best 
Christmas they've ever had!!


Hope your ready? exclusive pictures of our Christmas specials!!

Mouth watering gingerbread man!

New Christmas stuffing sandwich all made by hand!

Very first Christmas Mince pie to be sold in PRET! Perfect when your on the go!

Finally out exclusive Merry Berry Latte!

Be sure to visit our page in the next few days for more exclusive pictures and events PRET will be hosting!

Here are some of our new limited edition Christmas snacks we've created this year!

 we've chosen these so you can enjoy the holidays just as much as we will!

Monday 19 November 2012

This year PRET have taken the challenge to create the best Christmas Feast ever!

We have a wide range of sweet and savoury holiday themed snacks coming to all stores 20th November!


Christmas is coming!

Be sure to come down to Oxford High Street to see the Winter Lights Parade!

PRET will be there to promote the exclusive Christmas range!

Takes place on 23rd of November 2012


We'll see you there!